Possible Improvement

Create additional circuits for people, so instead of just a 2-way switch it could start at a normal lighting circuit then go up to a 2-way then maybe even an intermediate switch

Validation could be more flexible, allowing for tmore than 1 way to wire the circuit

Picture quality could be improved – I’m not much of an artist

Background sound could be added, and some sound effects

Allow the user to test the circuit before sending it for grading

Summary Week 3 (14th May – 20th May)

Restarted the game, getting to complicated allowing people to select where objects can be placed, game now starts with objects already in place, ready for the user to create the connections

connections code finished

wiring code finished (selecting where the wires will be placed in the back of the switch/lamp)

tutorial created and added to project

project successfully uploaded to Kongregate.com

Week 8

  • 8.1: This week signals the end of the first term. Your first task is to use your blog to reflect on
    • What you have learnt,
    • Things that you liked about that you did/learnt in the course
    • Things that could be improved in the course (suggestions for the future)


8.1: I’ve learnt a lot about the interaction of different technologies as tools for assisting with learning, for example using adobe connect from home for a lecture instead of coming into class and having to wait around for 3 hours between classes.

I enjoyed the whole experience of using adobe connect for classes, it was a very useful tool, even in class I would connect to it, listening to Michael at the front of the class, but watching him on the computer screen.

The biggest thing that I can think of to improve on would be to have guest lecturers learn how to use adobe connect before arriving to class, as we spent one 1 lesson where the tutor was spending more time figuring out adobe connect than teaching us

Week 7

  • 7.1:  In your blog describe what an ePortfolio and what features in MyPortfolio (Mahara) you would find useful for your ePortfolio.

7.1 – An ePortfolio is where you’ve created an online account that has information about yourself and is viewable by other people, usually to assist with your career. In mahara there is a feature where you can join groups, where will allow you to link up with others in a specific field that you otherwise would not of been able to



Week 6

6.1.2: In your Blog, reflect on the PLN lecture with Joyce Seitzinger and John Bohannon’s keynote. Think about your personal learning, your PLN and some of the challenges ahead of you. Some questions you may ask:

  • how am I dealing with information bloat, with getting the right information streams for me, with filter bubble?
  • am I covering all aspects of my PLN, the conversation and the information streams, as well as having an appropriate place to file things and to show my portfolio.
  • how do I balance use of my PLN with actually getting things done?
The Lectures with Joyce generally ran quite smoothly, though we had a few mic issues on the Thursday. Personally Information bloat has never worried me as I don’t really follow people or store information, when I require information, I simply do a search on it and find it reasonably quickly, no hassle. Personally I found PLN’s to be of no use to me, as I know how I find information, and couldn’t care if other people knew how I find information as anything I find is referenced anyways.

6.1.4 In your blog write a one or two paragraph reflection on your intended PLN and how you think it will give you a learning edge, and include your PLN map

Answer:- My PLN was simply a reflection on where and how I gain information when I require it, I feel that writing it down has given me no noticeable advantage, I think it gives me a learning edge in the way that I can gain the same information from multiple sources, helping to confirm the accuracy of the statements.

Week 5

5.1: Reflection

  • Write up your evaluations and reflections in your blog.


For the Activity, I was with the on-line group on the Monday, as I perfer to do classes from home on Mondays. The lecture properly had about 15 mins of information that was required for the exercise, then the guest lecturer spent about 1/2 an hour trying to set-up adobe connect to a point where we could collaborate on it, after that we spent very little time getting any sort-of work done, I think all we had by the end of the lecture was that we were doing the rapid prototype model.. When I came in on the Thursday I was swapped to another group who was doing the addie model, initially using pieces of paper for their work, they were missing a few of the people who were part of that group on that Monday, I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing by this point so I ended up helping the group throw together a power point on Google docs, this was an interesting experience as I hadn’t worked in an environment where you can have 5 different people changing a document and all of the changes appearing live.

Overall the process was interesting but the guest lecturer could have been a little more prepared with how to use adobe connect, and I would have been less confused if I wasn’t moved to another group half-way through.

Week 4

4.1: Developing course content

Link: Forums

Description of what I changed: I created the Overview section with a picture Inserted

4.3: Reflective post

  • Comment on any aspect of the course that relates to learning/teaching. E.g. Adobe connect sessions, privacy concerns, delivery methods, etc..


In class since the first lesson we have been using adobe connect to allow a student not physically in the class to be able to be part of the lesson. in class we have also been using the program while on the computers, and I have been finding myself only listening to michael in class but watching the computer screen instead of watching him, as I find it easier to watch the shared content on my computer than to watch it on the projector at the front of the class.  Last week during the Monday Lesson I used this program from home for the first time and found little difference than if I had physically attended the class, other than the fact that I wasn’t there, so I didn’t have to wait around for 3 hours afterwards for the next class, or spend money at the canteen for Lunch. in saying that there were some minor distractions but nothing that adverslly affected my learning.