Week 5

5.1: Reflection

  • Write up your evaluations and reflections in your blog.


For the Activity, I was with the on-line group on the Monday, as I perfer to do classes from home on Mondays. The lecture properly had about 15 mins of information that was required for the exercise, then the guest lecturer spent about 1/2 an hour trying to set-up adobe connect to a point where we could collaborate on it, after that we spent very little time getting any sort-of work done, I think all we had by the end of the lecture was that we were doing the rapid prototype model.. When I came in on the Thursday I was swapped to another group who was doing the addie model, initially using pieces of paper for their work, they were missing a few of the people who were part of that group on that Monday, I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing by this point so I ended up helping the group throw together a power point on Google docs, this was an interesting experience as I hadn’t worked in an environment where you can have 5 different people changing a document and all of the changes appearing live.

Overall the process was interesting but the guest lecturer could have been a little more prepared with how to use adobe connect, and I would have been less confused if I wasn’t moved to another group half-way through.